

Resistance Training for Adolescents & Pre-adolescents

Introduction   Growing up I competed in several different sports, all to reasonable levels. Swimming however, was the sport that I excelled at – I have probably mentioned this before so I won’t go into any more detail here. The reason I mention it is that I was having some […]

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Post Competition Review & Recovery

Introduction In a previous article I detailed my preparation for the Greater Manchester Championships on 29th April 2018, and I have now recovered enough muscle function to write a review of my day. I shall go into more detail regarding recovery later on, and how this is changing (and getting […]

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Powerlifting Formulas – Is Wilks Best, and What Are the Alternatives?

Introduction   At every powerlifting competition, the best lifter for each age group / weight class / gender is worked out using a certain formula. This formula takes into account, generally, three factors – gender, bodyweight & weight lifted. There have been several different formulas used, and different federations and […]

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Cutting Weight for a Powerlifting Competition & My Experience

Introduction   There are various opinions, from various people and sources regarding whether or not you should cut weight for a powerlifting competition, the pros and cons, and whether or not you lose strength doing so; And how much. I entered my latest competition (Greater Manchester Championships, April 29th 2018) […]

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The Effects of Training & Diet Supplements

Introduction   Like everyone who lifts weights, and undoubtedly everyone who competes in powerlifting – I want to get stronger. When you start your competitive journey (or sometimes mid-way through), you will decide to either take PED’s (Performance Enhancing Drugs) or, like me, not. For me it was an easy […]

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The Effect of Music on Sports Performance

Introduction   We’ve all seen people walking around wearing some sort of headphones, listening to their music on the move. Music is widely accessible, all you need is a phone or some form of digital storage device, and some headphones.   Music means different things to different people, but most […]

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The Benefits of Water and The Effects of Water Consumption on Muscles and Muscular Strength

Introduction   If you don’t drink water, you will die. It’s that important. There is a simple rule of three that you can follow: An average human being can live for roughly three months exposed completely to the elements, three weeks without food, three days without water and three minutes […]

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My Personal Journey to Powerlifting

Setting The Stage Having been ‘training’, ‘working out’, lifting weights – whatever you want to call it for 19 years now I’ve had a go at pretty much everything. Except Crossfit. I’ve made friends, some enemies, injured every part of my body at least once, and been in some amazing […]

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Genetic Precursors to Strength

Introduction   Genetics explain a lot of the differences in strength and muscularity between person to person. Specifically, the size of your frame, how many muscle fibres you’re born with, and how well you respond to training essentially separate you from your training partner or someone who can squat 400kg.   […]

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The History of Powerlifting

The History of Powerlifting   Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. There has been a great deal of confusion relating to the origins and roots of powerlifting. The conflict which has enveloped it in recent […]

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Favourite Lift: Deadlift

Danny has been an integral part of Taylor's since the very beginning, having played a huge part in the way of our high standard of coaching, and always striving to help the business improve.

As well as being the right-hand of Taylor's Strength, Danny has pursued a career in sports massage therapy and recently became a fully qualified physiotherapist. This, alongside his wealth of experience in multiple aspects of training makes Danny our absolute go-to guy for preventing injury in our athletes and aiding those with their rehabilitation.

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